Inlead | Glazura de ciocolata, pudra, 100g, Inlead, Fara zahar adaugat 0

Glazura de ciocolata, pudra, 100g, Inlead, Fara zahar adaugat

Regular price 16,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 16,00 lei
VAT included. /en/policies/shipping-policy '>Shipping is calculated at the completion of the order.
The lowest price in the last 30 days 16,00 lei RON
  • Fast delivery in 1-2 working days
  • FREE shipping on orders over 300 Lei
  • Secure payment
  • In stock, ready to ship
  • Backordered, shipping soon
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Glazura de ciocolata, pudra, 100g, Inlead, Fara zahar adaugat - Detalii produs

*Ingredientele si informatiile nutritionale pot varia in functie de aroma.

  • Formula inovatoare sub forma de pudra, usor de preparat.

  • Se transforma rapid intr-o glazura de ciocolata delicioasa.

  • Fara adaos de zahar, ideal pentru un stil de viata sanatos.

  • Versatil, potrivit pentru decorarea prajiturilor, deserturilor sau altor preparate.

  • Ambalaj practic, care simplifica utilizarea si dozarea.

Inlead Choc Coating reprezinta o solutie inovatoare pentru iubitorii de deserturi sanatoase si gustoase. Cu o formula unica sub forma de pudra, acest produs permite obtinerea rapida a unei glazuri de ciocolata delicioase si fara adaos de zahar, fiind ideal pentru cei care urmeaza diete echilibrate sau care doresc sa reduca aportul caloric.

Produsul este extrem de versatil, fiind potrivit pentru decorarea prajiturilor, deserturilor, biscuitilor sau chiar pentru a adauga un strat crocant de ciocolata pe fructe sau alte preparate. Procesul de preparare este simplu si rapid – doar adaugati pudra intr-un vas cu apa fierbinte, asteptati sa se transforme intr-o glazura de consistenta perfecta, iar apoi aplicati direct pe preparatele dorite.

Inlead Choc Coating este un aliment functional care combina savoarea autentica a ciocolatei cu nevoile unui stil de viata sanatos. Fara zahar adaugat si cu un continut redus de calorii, acest produs este alegerea perfecta pentru sportivi, pasionatii de fitness sau oricine doreste sa se bucure de deserturi delicioase fara compromisuri.


indulcitor maltitol, grasimi si uleiuri vegetale (nuca de cocos), pudra de cacao cu continut scazut de grasimi, masa de cacao, emulgator: lecitina de rapita, arome. Continut de masa de cacao uscata - nu mai putin de 98%. Poate contine urme de gluten, alune, nuci, soia, seminte de susan si oua.

Informatii nutritionale

Informatii nutritionale

Per 100g


2248kj / 537kcal



- din care saturate




- din care zaharuri


- din care polioli






Recomandare de utilizare

Se pune punga in apa fierbinte, dar nu clocotita (aproximativ 60°C), timp de 5-10 minute (pana la dizolvarea stratului de acoperire). Se scoate punga cu strat de acoperire topit si neted din apa si se taie coltul. Se intinde stratul de acoperire pe prajitura sau desertul racit.


A se pastra intr-un loc racoros si uscat, departe de lumina soarelui. A se consuma de preferinta inainte de: vezi pe ambalaj. Produs de Inlead in Germania. Distribuit de S.C. NUTRILAND SPORT S.R.L. Linia Mica 531, Puchenii Mosneni, Prahova, 107492, Romania.

Nutriland Sport SRL ( will provide you with the following delivery methods:

GLS courier

  • Orders under 299 lei are charged a 15 lei shipping cost.
  • Orders over 300 lei benefit from FREE SHIPPING.

We ship with GLS in 1-2 business days in Romania. Business days are considered Monday to Friday, excluding Saturday, Sunday and legal holidays.
On the morning of delivery, you will receive a message from GLS with the time slot in which the delivery will take place, as well as the courier's phone number.

GLS and Sameday lockers

We also offer the option of delivery to GLS and Sameday lockers. To benefit from locker delivery, payment by card in advance is required.
Lockers are chosen after completing the order, and delivery is made in 1-2 business days.
You will receive an access code to pick up the package from the locker at the time of delivery.

Order processing

Orders placed Monday through Friday, by 3:00 PM, are processed and shipped the same day.
Orders placed after 3:00 PM will be processed the next business day.
Orders placed on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) or legal holidays will be processed on the first following business day.
The team does not process orders on weekends.

Cash on delivery

For the cash on delivery payment method, there is an additional fee of 3 lei, which will be added to the total value of your order. This cash on delivery fee is necessary to cover the costs and services involved in the delivery process and collection of the payment at your address.


If you wish to receive the package at a different time than that established by the courier, please contact the courier personally to establish the necessary changes together.

Thank you for your understanding and for choosing!

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