Proteina pentru diete - Nutriland
Magazin suplimente sportivi / Protein for weight loss

Protein for weight loss

333 products
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333 products

Proteins for weight loss: what they are and how they are used

Weight loss proteins, also known as diet proteins, are a category of supplements aimed at both athletes and people who want to embark on the path to a healthier lifestyle. They are made in the form of powder extracted from various protein sources and, together with an optimal diet and training, can be of great help in eliminating fat.

Protein powders for weight loss are extremely versatile and can be easily integrated into various recipes, being a convenient and effective source of nutrients. Protein powders for weight loss for women and men alike are particularly useful in meeting nutritional needs in a simple and effective way, without consuming large amounts of protein- rich foods or without depending on diets high in meat.

Protein for weight loss: types of products and integration into the diet

When choosing the right dietary protein, it is important to consider your needs and preferences. Opt for proteins that are low in calories and carbohydrates, and that do not contain added sugar. There are several options available on our website, including hydrolyzed whey protein , whey protein isolate , gainers or plant-based proteins , each with their own characteristics and benefits. Hydrolyzed versions can provide faster absorption into the body, while plant-based products are ideal for those who adopt a vegetarian diet.

Protein powders for weight loss can be easily used in the diet. You can mix them with water or milk to get a shake or add them to smoothies, yogurt or other preparations. It is important to integrate them into a balanced and healthy diet, along with regular physical exercise, for optimal results in the process of losing weight or muscle definition.

Black Friday - Reduceri Iso 100 Hydrolized 2,2kg, pudra, Dymatize, Proteina din zer Gourmet Chocolate Promotie 1
Black Friday - Reduceri Iso 100 Hydrolized 2,2kg, pudra, Dymatize, Proteina din zer Gourmet Chocolate Promotie 2
Iso 100 Hydrolized 2.2kg, powder, Dymatize, Whey protein
469,00 lei
21,32 lei/100 g
Black Friday - Reduceri Iso 100 Hydrolized 908g, pudra, Dymatize, Proteina din zer Chocolate Coconut Promotie 1
Black Friday - Reduceri Iso 100 Hydrolized 908g, pudra, Dymatize, Proteina din zer Chocolate Coconut Promotie 2
Iso 100 Hydrolized 908g, powder, Dymatize, Whey protein
239,00 lei
26,32 lei/100 g
Black Friday - Reduceri 100% Proteina din plante pudra, 900g, USN Chocolate Promotie 1
100% Plant protein powder, 900g, USN
149,00 lei
16,56 lei/100 g
Black Friday - Reduceri Proteina vegana pudra, 750g, Weider Vanilla Promotie 1
Vegan protein powder, 750g, Weider
128,00 lei
17,07 lei/100 g
Black Friday - Reduceri Premium Whey 500g, pudra, Weider, Concentrat si izolat proteic din zer Chocolate Nougat Promotie 1
Premium Whey 500g, powder, Weider, whey protein concentrate and isolate
149,00 lei
29,80 lei/100 g
Black Friday - Reduceri Iso Whey Zero 500g, pudra, Biotech USA, Izolat proteic din zer Berry Brownie Promotie 1
Black Friday - Reduceri Iso Whey Zero 500g, pudra, Biotech USA, Izolat proteic din zer Berry Brownie Promotie 2
Iso Whey Zero 500g, powder, Biotech USA, whey protein isolate
Biotech USA
139,00 lei
27,80 lei/100 g
Black Friday - Reduceri Gold Standard 100% Casein pudra, 908g, Optimum Nutriton, Caseina Chocolate Promotie 1
Black Friday - Reduceri Gold Standard 100% Casein pudra, 908g, Optimum Nutriton, Caseina Strawberry Promotie 2
Gold Standard 100% Casein powder, 908g, Optimum Nutriton, Casein
Optimum Nutrition
189,00 lei
20,81 lei/100 g
Black Friday - Reduceri Hydro Whey Zero 1,8kg, pudra, Biotech USA, Hidrolizat proteic din zer Cherry Banana Promotie 1
Hydro Whey Zero 1.8kg, powder, Biotech USA, whey protein hydrolyzate
Biotech USA
397,00 lei
22,06 lei/100 g
Black Friday - Reduceri Elite Whey Protein 2,1kg, pudra, Dymatize, Concentrat proteic din zer Rich Chocolate Promotie 1
Black Friday - Reduceri Elite Whey Protein 2,1kg, pudra, Dymatize, Concentrat proteic din zer Rich Chocolate Promotie 2
Elite Whey Protein 2.1kg, powder, Dymatize, whey protein concentrate
339,00 lei
16,14 lei/100 g
😎Super Popular
Black Friday - Reduceri Whey Izolat 100 CFM 2kg, pudra, Weider, Izolat proteic din zer Chocolate Promotie 1
Whey Isolate 100 CFM 2kg, powder, Weider, Whey protein isolate
494,00 lei
24,70 lei/100 g
Black Friday - Reduceri Caseina micelara pudra, 700g, Ostrovit Chocolate Promotie 1
Black Friday - Reduceri Caseina micelara pudra, 700g, Ostrovit Strawberry Promotie 2
Powdered micellar casein, 700g, Ostrovit
89,00 lei
12,71 lei/100 g
Black Friday - Reduceri Delicious Whey, pudra, 700g, Ostrovit, Concentrat proteic din zer Chocolate Banana Promotie 1
Black Friday - Reduceri Delicious Whey, pudra, 700g, Ostrovit, Concentrat proteic din zer Salted Caramel Promotie 2
Delicious Whey, powder, 700g, Ostrovit, whey protein concentrate
99,00 lei
14,14 lei/100 g
Black Friday - Reduceri 100% Whey Protein Professional 500g, pudra, Scitec Nutrition, Concentrat proteic din zer Banana Promotie 1
100% Whey Protein Professional 500g, powder, Scitec Nutrition, Whey protein concentrate
Scitec Nutrition
99,00 lei
19,80 lei/100 g
Black Friday - Reduceri 100% Pure Whey 2,27kg, pudra, Biotech USA, Concentrat si izolat proteic din zer Chocolate Promotie 1
Black Friday - Reduceri 100% Pure Whey 2,27kg, pudra, Biotech USA, Concentrat si izolat proteic din zer Chocolate Promotie 2
100% Pure Whey 2.27kg, powder, Biotech USA, whey protein concentrate and isolate
Biotech USA
347,00 lei
15,29 lei/100 g
Black Friday - Reduceri Gold Whey 500g, pudra, Weider, Concentrat proteic din zer Milk Chocolate Promotie 1
Gold Whey 500g, powder, Weider, Whey protein concentrate
129,00 lei
25,80 lei/100 g
Black Friday - Reduceri Premium Whey 2,3kg, pudra, Weider, Concentrat si izolat proteic din zer Chocolate Nougat Promotie 1
Premium Whey 2.3kg, powder, Weider, whey protein concentrate and isolate
419,00 lei
18,22 lei/100 g
Black Friday - Reduceri Whey Izolat 100 CFM 908g, pudra, Weider, Izolat proteic din zer Chocolate Promotie 1
Whey Isolate 100 CFM 908g, powder, Weider, Whey protein isolate
249,00 lei
27,42 lei/100 g
Black Friday - Reduceri Levro Whey Supreme 2kg, pudra, Kevin Levrone, Concentrat proteic din zer Chocolate Promotie 1
Levro Whey Supreme 2kg, powder, Kevin Levrone, Whey protein concentrate
Kevin Levrone
289,00 lei
14,45 lei/100 g
Black Friday - Reduceri Gold Whey 2kg, pudra, Kevin Levrone, Concentrat proteic din zer Bunty Promotie 1
Black Friday - Reduceri Gold Whey 2kg, pudra, Kevin Levrone, Concentrat proteic din zer Bunty Promotie 2
Gold Whey 2kg, powder, Kevin Levrone, Whey protein concentrate
Kevin Levrone
289,00 lei
14,45 lei/100 g
Black Friday - Reduceri Hydro Whey Zero 454g, pudra, Biotech USA, Hidrolizat proteic din zer Vanilla Promotie 1
Black Friday - Reduceri Hydro Whey Zero 454g, pudra, Biotech USA, Hidrolizat proteic din zer Vanilla Promotie 2
Hydro Whey Zero 454g, powder, Biotech USA, Whey protein hydrolyzate
Biotech USA
139,00 lei
30,62 lei/100 g
Black Friday - Reduceri Syntha - 6 2.26kg, pudra, BSN, Amestec de proteine Chocolate Mudslide Promotie 1
Black Friday - Reduceri Syntha - 6 2.26kg, pudra, BSN, Amestec de proteine Chocolate Mudslide Promotie 2
Syntha-6 2.26kg, powder, BSN, Protein mix
329,00 lei
14,56 lei/100 g
Black Friday - Reduceri Diet Whey 1,8kg, pudra, Applied Nutrition, Concentrat si izolat proteic din zer Chocolate Dessert Promotie 1
Black Friday - Reduceri Diet Whey 1,8kg, pudra, Applied Nutrition, Concentrat si izolat proteic din zer Banana Promotie 2
Diet Whey 1.8kg, powder, Applied Nutrition, whey protein concentrate and isolate
Applied Nutrition
269,00 lei
14,94 lei/100 g
Black Friday - Reduceri Select Vegan Protein pudra, 810g, PEScience, Proteina vegetala Chocolate Promotie 1
Black Friday - Reduceri Select Vegan Protein pudra, 810g, PEScience, Proteina vegetala Chocolate Promotie 2
Select Vegan Protein powder, 810g, PEScience, Vegetable protein
149,00 lei
18,40 lei/100 g
Black Friday - Reduceri Carnivor, pudra, 1.6kg, Musclemeds, Izolat proteic din vita Fruit Punch Promotie 1
Black Friday - Reduceri Carnivor, pudra, 1.6kg, Musclemeds, Izolat proteic din vita Fruit Punch Promotie 2
Carnivore, powder, 1.6kg, Musclemeds, Beef protein isolate
369,00 lei
23,06 lei/100 g
Black Friday - Reduceri Whey Isolate 2kg, pudra, Scitec Nutrition, Izolat proteic din zer Chocolate Promotie 1
Whey Isolate 2kg, powder, Scitec Nutrition, whey protein isolate
Scitec Nutrition
349,00 lei
17,45 lei/100 g
Black Friday - Reduceri Proven Whey 1.8kg, pudra, Gaspari Nutrition, Izolat proteic din zer Chocolate Promotie 1
Black Friday - Reduceri Proven Whey 1.8kg, pudra, Gaspari Nutrition, Izolat proteic din zer Chocolate Promotie 2
Proven Whey 1.8kg, powder, Gaspari Nutrition, whey protein isolate
Gaspari Nutrition
319,00 lei
17,72 lei/100 g
Black Friday - Reduceri IsoPro 907g, pudra, Quamtrax, Izolat proteic din zer Chocolate Promotie 1
Black Friday - Reduceri IsoPro 907g, pudra, Quamtrax, Izolat proteic din zer Cookies & Cream Promotie 2
IsoPro 907g, powder, Quamtrax, Whey protein isolate
199,00 lei
21,94 lei/100 g
Black Friday - Reduceri Hydro Razan 2kg, pudra, Yamamoto, Hidrolizat proteic din zer, complex de aminoacizi Coffee Promotie 1
Hydro Razan 2kg, powder, Yamamoto, whey protein hydrolyzate, amino acid complex
469,00 lei
23,45 lei/100 g
Black Friday - Reduceri 100% Whey Protein Professional 920g, pudra, Scitec Nutrition, Concentrat proteic din zer Chocolate Promotie 1
100% Whey Protein Professional 920g, powder, Scitec Nutrition, whey protein concentrate
Scitec Nutrition
149,00 lei
16,20 lei/100 g
Black Friday - Reduceri Green Beret pudra, 1kg, Redcon1, Proteina vegetala Chocolate Promotie 1
Green Beret powder, 1kg, Redcon1, Vegetable protein
Sale price 149,00 lei Regular price 199,00 lei Save 25%
14,90 lei/100 g
Black Friday - Reduceri 100% Pure Whey 450g, pudra, Biotech USA, Concentrat si izolat proteic din zer Chocolate Promotie 1
Black Friday - Reduceri 100% Pure Whey 450g, pudra, Biotech USA, Concentrat si izolat proteic din zer Chocolate Promotie 2
100% Pure Whey 450g, powder, Biotech USA, whey protein concentrate and isolate
Biotech USA
99,00 lei
22,00 lei/100 g
Black Friday - Reduceri Proteina din vita 500g, pudra, Biotech USA Chocolate Coconut Promotie 1
Beef protein 500g, powder, Biotech USA
Biotech USA
99,00 lei
19,80 lei/100 g
Black Friday - Reduceri Whey Licious 3kg, pudra, Ostrovit, Concentrat proteic din zer Chocolate Banana Promotie 1
Whey Licious 3kg, powder, Ostrovit, whey protein concentrate
299,00 lei
9,97 lei/100 g
Black Friday - Reduceri 100% Hydro Isolate 2kg, pudra, Scitec Nutrition, Hidrolizat proteic din zer Chocolate Promotie 1
100% Hydro Isolate 2kg, powder, Scitec Nutrition, Whey protein hydrolyzate
Scitec Nutrition
415,00 lei
20,75 lei/100 g
Black Friday - Reduceri Whey Isolate 700g, pudra, Scitec Nutrition, Izolat proteic din zer Chocolate Promotie 1
Black Friday - Reduceri Whey Isolate 700g, pudra, Scitec Nutrition, Izolat proteic din zer Chocolate Promotie 1
Whey Isolate 700g, powder, Scitec Nutrition, whey protein isolate
Scitec Nutrition
149,00 lei
21,29 lei/100 g